Monday, 27 February 2012

heaven and earth book

Far beyond the range of the naked human eye exists a realm of growth and symmetry that possesses almost haunting beauty. Microscopes and telescopes can plow this realm, revealing stars too far or particles too small for us to see. Magnified 115 times, kettle limescale blooms in flowerlike clusters. A single pollen grain magnified 5,000 times resembles a beehive fortress and, enlarged and reenlarged, a butterfly wing takes on the aspect of a field of warrior's shields. The Hubble Space Telescope captures the pillars of gas and dust of the Eagle Nebula, 7,000 light-years away. In awesome color photographs, Heaven & Earth presents the universe in a grain of sand and on a scale almost beyond imagination.

 this book seems to have teh same veiw on micro macro looking at the beauty and detail in the very big and very small

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